Location: Mexico, Maine, United States

I'm ollld, so I'm perfek

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Got any idea what bi-polar disorder is? It's DISSSSS ORDER on a really BIG scale! Ask me how I know! I'm living with it. Not the way one would chose to address this condition... No, it ain't me. It's HE. Sometimes I feel so bad for him, but mostly I'm so enmeshed in dealing with the consequences of his behaviors that I haven't energy to be compassionate. Apparently he's been in a manic phase for months now, can't sleep, wanders the town and the highways all night long, attracting the attention and concern of the local police, and gossips. He started running in the hope that it would tire him enough to sleep, but apparently it only stimulates him. He has run for years on just a couple hours of sleep in 24, and becuase he was wearing the mantle of "workaholic" we didn't realize that the structure of having a place to use his energy productively was obscuring and aleviating his basic screaming condition.

More as it occurs... this is just a start on my vent.


Saturday, May 13, 2006


As in, this is my rant space. And I jst deleted my latest rants, more later.